What is Emotional Detox?
Emotional Detox is to purify yourself of negative emotions that can hinder your spiritual, physical, emotional and mental growth. The term Emotional Detox is easy to understand but the variation in processes can make Emotional Detox incomprehensive. Emotional Detox in a generic manner is to adapt methods such as meditation or de – stress checklists to release negative emotions.

How is Tantra Emotional Detox?
Tantra is an ancient Eastern cultural tradition that offers Emotional Detox at a biological or cellular level.The purpose of Tantra is to weave both the spiritual and physical in order to connect to the Divine or Source. Tantra is all about connectivity to experience bliss. A state of bliss can only be achieved when you are able to let go of any emotion or mental state that holds back from feeling happiness. Any emotion that holds you back is a negative emotion.
Emotions are energy in motion either positively or negatively charged. When our bodies are filled with negative emotions we emit negative feelings, expressions and thoughts that direct you to make choices that harmonize with your negative feelings – self destructive choices. These self-destructive choices can seem normal as these choices are from a negative reality built on a negative subconscious due to the abundant amount of negative emotions in the body.
A negative subconscious can be reprogrammed to a positive subconscious to live a positive reality to make positive decisions. This reprograming can happen only at a cellular level, where the body’s cells are reprogrammed from a negative state to a positive state.
Our body’s cells are filled with ‘molecules of emotions’. The cells in the body need to be opened to release the negative emotions that leave the body positively charged leading to positive experiences.
Tantra helps in shedding of the negative emotions through meditation, chanting mantras and yoga. Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening employs Tantric massage techniques that remove toxins from tight muscles whilst removing negative emotions. Meditation helps you focus your mind to gain more productivity and clarity. Chanting of mantras help disperse the negative emotions through sound and Yoga opens up muscles and tendons that hold toxins to circulate oxygen. Tantra helps to calibrate the production of hormones such as dopamine for your circadian cycle and oxytocin to feel good.