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Orgasms and Emotional Detox

We all know orgasms are exhilarating and after climax you are far less tensed but more relaxed and fuzzy. Orgasms reap many benefits for your emotional, mental and physical health. 57% of women have orgasms most or every time they have sex. And also according to Sexual Advice Association, sexual dysfunctions affect 50% of the women in the UK, leaving half the population of women without orgasms.

Close up profile of a couple having sex on a bed at home in the night

Tantric Journey School of Awakening and Healing  is able to resolve sexual dysfunctions through Emotional Detox at a cellular level in a Tantric manner. Tantric Emotional Detox helps eliminate the sexual dysfunction that leads to orgasms that heighten emotional and physical health.

What is a sexual dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction is the inability to engage in sex and orgasm due to psychological inhibitions. And Anorgasmia is the inability to orgasm by repeated sexual stimulation and can be experienced by both genders and affects 43% of the women in UK. Negative psychological triggers are major contributors to Anorgasmia that are caused by negative experiences such as sexual unfortunate events or something similar, physical unfortunate events or something similar, verbal unfortunate events or something similar and psychological unfortunate events or something similar.

Read our blog on Anorgasmia and Tantra here >>


What is Emotional Detox?

Emotional Detox is to remove or release of negative emotions residing in the body to harbor only positive emotions for emotional well being that lead to emotional,  physical and mental well being. Emotional Detox is essential to maintain a balanced mind body spirit equation to give you a balanced life. If your body and mind is filled with negative emotions you are bound to fall ill more often and make many negative choices in life due to a negative perspective.

Read more about Emotional Detox and Tantra here > Read more…


How orgasms are Emotional Detox

As mentioned before, orgasms have plenty of emotional, mental and physical benefits. Orgasms help strengthen relationships as it energetically binds the lovers. Orgasms release the ‘love hormone’ called Oxytocin that makes lovers cuddle. It releases many chemicals in the brain and body that help proper function of endocrinal glands and other chemical systems. Other benefits include battling insomnia, immune system boost, body detox, pain relief, curb cravings and reduces stress and depression.

For further information on the benefits of orgasms read our blog here>>


How Tantra aids Emotional Detox and Orgasms

Tantra is to recognize the sexual power in you to connect and further understand yourself and your partner. Tantra helps heal past hurt as it transcends you by helping you recognize hurt and to release it.

Tantra employs cellular memory where the art reprograms the body’s cells from negative to positive. Our blog on Tantra and Cellular Memory will further explain how this process works.  As Tantra is a form of Emotional Detox, negative emotions withholding orgasms can be released to achieve an orgasm.  But in order for this to happen a Tantric Sex Therapy treatment is required. To learn more about Tantric Sex Therapy to cure sexual dysfunctions by emotional release, read further on our blog about Tantric Sex Therapy here >

Maintaining a healthy sex life is essential for healthy living.

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I’m Mal Weeraratne – Certified Tantra Educator teaching intimacy; Tantra and all forms of sacred sensuality to facilitate journeys into love, intimacy, and sacred sexuality as well as personal transformation leading to spirituality. My teachings can help both men and women to overcome sexual problems, regain feminine empowerment and male consciousness and in all areas of sexuality and female embodiment.

In the past my clients came to me for many reasons, some came to explore aspects of the sexuality, whilst others wanted to explore touch; sensuality or explore their boundaries. Whilst others want to become more sexually empowered or just to start living fully within their own bodies or to overcome fears and inhibitions through releasing their past trauma

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