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What exactly is there to understand about Tantric Massage? | Tantric Massage in London | Tantric Therapy
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What exactly is there to understand about Tantric Massage?

What exactly is a Tantric Massage?

When you start talking about massage techniques you may find yourself thinking of aromatherapy oils, Swedish massage techniques or even of things like hot stones, but you don’t tend to think of a massage as being a long journey of self discovery.

Whilst massage itself has a long and interesting history, with Hippocrates recommending its application on a daily basis for the improvement and benefit of health and hieroglyphic images on the walls in tombs in Egypt showing body and foot massages taking place; Tantric and Tao Massage techniques are unlike other massage modalities, for Tantric Massage is an Ancient form of Sacred Touch that Harmoniously Unites Sexuality, Spirituality, Body & Mind.

Held within us all is a limitless power that we have suppressed; that remains dormant unless engaging in sexual relations. Yet this strong sexual energy  is capable of healing and balancing our body and mind and during a Tantric massage this life force energy is harnessed and used to revitalise the whole body.

It can be hard for a person who has never experienced an authentic Tantric Massage to understand that the harnessing of sexual energy is not about sex, but that instead it is a way to:

  • Heal our body and mind.
  • Promote the release of negative emotions or deep rooted stagnant emotions, whether it be from unfortunate events or something similar or child birth, bereavement, impotence, premature ejaculation, failed relationships or fear of sexual commitment, relationships & intimacy.
  • Awakens us to our true self and highest potential.
  • Boost our confidence and body image.
  • Overcome sexual dysfunctions.
  • Encourages sex to be a whole body and loving experience that can allow a woman to experience full body orgasms and female ejaculation.
  • Improve relationships.
  • Deeply connect us with another.
  • Allow us to truly feel through the awakening of the senses allowing us to live a sensual and blissful life.
  • Give us an immense pleasure and satisfaction.
  • Release a creative force that weaves in and out of our daily lives.
  • Unleash our potential and release us from burdens and anxiety.
  • Expand our consciousness.
  • Unite our feminine & masculine energies, our sexuality & spirituality, promoting wholeness and equilibrium within.


When a man receives a Tantric Massage from the Tantric Journey part of his treatment, it will involve a Lingam massage. The term lingam is an ancient tantric term that is used to describe the penis. In Sanskrit, the word lingam translates to “Shaft of Light” or “Wand of Light.”

A lingam massage is a massage of the lingam using a variety of grips and strokes. The purpose of a lingam massage is not to get a man to ejaculate, in professional hands a true lingam massage can release negative emotions, can revitalise his whole body and can expand his ability to receive pleasure and feel all the different levels of sensations in his body.

It’s very common for a man to become highly aroused during this type of massage, however, in the hands of an experienced and qualified Tantric Journey Practitioner this sexual energy will be used to revitalise the man’s system. Indeed the intense sexual pleasure will be felt throughout his entire body, and not just around his genitals.

A lingam massage can teach a man that ejaculation is not the only source of sexual pleasure; indeed by learning not to ejaculate the man can retain his sexual energy and revitalise his body and mind.

The challenge many men face during this type of massage is letting go and focusing only on receiving.

This massage helps break down the blockages and to release toxins to increase blood flow to sexual organs.

Increased blood flow helps to release more hormones easily, to help stimulate both sexual and brain functioning.

Healthy hormonal balance helps us with protection against many health related problems such as:

  • Memory loss
  • Back pain
  • Poor circulation
  • Decreased libido
  • Helps to release past past negative events and emotions held in sexual organs, increasing the orgasmic potential.

If a female seeks a professional Tantric Massage treatment she will receive a Yoni Massage. The vagina is called yoni in Sanskrit and loosely translates to mean “a sacred space.” In Tantra philosophy, the vagina is approached from a place of the utmost love and respect. Yoni massage is a practice intended to truly honour a woman, to give her selfless pleasure and to explore the sacred side of our sexuality; again this is not about sex it is about healing and releasing stagnant negative emotions at the same time as harnessing sexual energy to revitalize the whole of a woman’s body.

If you want to learn more about Yoni Massage or Lingam Massage please visit the Tantric Journey website here or if you would like to book a Tantric massage please click here.



I’m Mal Weeraratne – Certified Tantra Educator teaching intimacy; Tantra and all forms of sacred sensuality to facilitate journeys into love, intimacy, and sacred sexuality as well as personal transformation leading to spirituality. My teachings can help both men and women to overcome sexual problems, regain feminine empowerment and male consciousness and in all areas of sexuality and female embodiment.

In the past my clients came to me for many reasons, some came to explore aspects of the sexuality, whilst others wanted to explore touch; sensuality or explore their boundaries. Whilst others want to become more sexually empowered or just to start living fully within their own bodies or to overcome fears and inhibitions through releasing their past trauma

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