Stress Management with Emotional Detox
Stress can make you feel lonely and make you feel like you are the only one destined in this planet to walk the path that you are treading. Stress is a silent killer that seeps into all branches of your life, slowly poisoning the once happy place you were in. Stress though instigated by external forces is generally self – induced. Yes, stress is a state of mind.
You alone are the creator of your experience.
You can either participate in the stressful situation by immersing and dedicating your energy, emotions, body, hormones and thoughts and become stressed out or you could just be an observer of the stressful situation treating it as any general event that takes place. Your tenacity to master the healthier choice determines your level of participation in a stressful situation – stress management.
How to Manage Stress?
Emotional Detox is essential to manage stress. Emotional Detox is to remove negative emotions in order to attain peace of mind – the result of stress management.
Emotional Detox is a detoxification process that is part of the new age spirituality. Emotional Detox is the process of removing negative emotions to sustain positive emotions in order to maintain good emotional health that would lead to good physical health. There are abundant methods to go through an Emotional Detox; some common methods are listening to music, meditation, revitalizing massages, revamping your friend circle, retail therapy, alone time or acting over a checklist to release the negative emotions that are taking the best of you.
Is it vital to maintain a balanced emotional health as it gives uproot to a healthier physical state. According to Health and Safety Executive a study on Work related Stress, Anxiety and Depression Statistics in Great Britain in 2015; it was reported from the Labor Survey that the total number of cases of work related stress, depression or anxiety in 2014/15 was 440,000 cases, a prevalence rate of 1380 per 100,000 workers. Also in 2014/15 stress accounted for 30% of all work related ill health cases and 43% of all working days lost due to ill health.
You can read our blog on the Benefits of Emotional Detox here >
Following are a few tips on how to effectively manage stress with Emotional Detox.
- Listen to Music
As mentioned there are many stress management techniques, the simplest method of detaching yourself from a stress situation is to listen to music, which transports you to different a place and time thus improving your mood.
Scientists at the University of Missouri have found out that a person’s mood can be uplifted by listening to upbeat music. Also the music research aligns with the larger arena of music therapy, defined by The American Music Therapy Association states “the clinical and evident-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals.”
Dr. Franklin Lipman, founder and director of Eleven – Eleven Wellness Center in New York City, recommends music time-outs as a way to calm your body and brain with soothing rhythms.

- Meditate
Meditation is the most amazing practice you can adopt. It is a blessing and an amazing gift you can give yourself. There is no right way to meditate, though you can follow a particular type of meditation that resonates with you.
As per Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine in Massachusetts:
Infertile women have a 42% conception rate, a 38% take-home baby rate, and decreased levels of depression, anxiety, and anger.
Journal of American Medical Women’s Association, Volume 54, pages 196-8, 1999
Women with severe PMS have a 57% reduction in physical and psychological symptoms.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Volume 75, pages 649-655, April, 1990
Open heart surgery patients have fewer post-operative complications.
Behavioural Medicine, Volume 5, pages 111-117, 1989
One-hundred percent of insomnia patients reported improved sleep and 91% either eliminated or reduced sleeping medication use.
The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 100, pages 212-216, 1996
Chronic pain patients reduce their physician visits by 36%.
The Clinical Journal of Pain, Volume 2, pages 305-310, 1991
Eighty percent of hypertensive patients have lowered blood pressure and decreased medications – 16% are able to discontinue all of their medications. These results lasted at least three years.
Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, Volume 9, pages 316-324, 1989
If you like to further know more about why is meditation Emotional Detox, please read our blog on Meditation for Emotional Detox here >>
Also if you like to learn how to meditate, please read our blog on how to meditate here > (please link my blog on how to meditate here, once it is uploaded)
- Invest in Revitalizing Massages
Our bodies are similar to machinery that needs maintenance and upkeep to function at optimum. It needs to rest, reboot and recuperate. Over working our bodies through stress damage its biological function leading to illness and sometimes even death.
Massages are ideal to reduce stress as it loosens the body’s muscles, releases toxins and helps produces mood uplifting hormones.
According to the American Massage Therapy Association, massages can reduce depression and improve mood in adolescent mothers, in those who are in chronic pain, in women with breast cancer, in those with high blood pressure and for those who have chronic fatigue syndrome.
Statistics from the American Massage Therapy Association show that massage is seen as a treatment for total mind and body health as 88 % of people view massage as beneficial to overall health and wellness.
Not everybody is comfortable with the sense of touch due to the over powering stigma of a non – intimate and individualistic society. Therefore our bodies carry unrecognized dormant shame and guilt in the form of emotions at a cellular level. Furthermore, many people are sensitive to touch due to the past negative events inflicted in their childhood and adulthood such as sexual, psychical and psychological unfortunate events or something similar that aligns with the concept of cellular memory. A sense of touch can resurface the feelings of past negative events therefore deeply disturbing or distressing the person all over again. Also it is wise to know such deeply disturbing or distressing feelings reside in the body that derives the same negative pattern in all aspects of a person’s life.
Therefore Tantric Journey aims to help these deeply disturbed or distressed people through British pioneer massage engineered to remove past negative events from the body called the Emotional Detox through Tantra and Tao Bodywork.
Emotional Detox through Tantra and Tao Bodywork, brings about Emotional Detox by employing two ancient practices that are Tantra and Tao. To further learn about What is Emotional Detox through Tantra and Tao Bodywork .
Therefore stress can be managed if you can learn to detox your negative emotions. You will have to adapt a method that best resonates with you. If you would like to learn further ideas on how to Emotional Detox, read our blog on 5 Ways to Emotional Detox during The Weekend.