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Meditation for Emotional Detox


The thing about meditation is: you become more and more you” – David Lynch.

There are various types and styles of meditation, some common types are Chakra meditation, Kundalini meditation, Zen meditation, Vipassana meditation, Metta Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, Buddhist Meditation, Vedic & Yogic Meditation and etc.

The purpose of meditation is to feel happiness. It is to detach yourself from everything that does not serve your mind, bodyand spirit to become emotionally, psychologically and physiologically healthy. It is the cleansing of the soul.  Meditation can bring about focus in your life and you will come to understand that all pain is caused by thoughts. Most of us go about life accumulating a lot of deeply disturbing or distressing debris from different situations that these residues linger undetected into many years of our lives that it becomes a part of us. Therefore it is important to shed these deeply disturbing or distressing residues to function and live at optimum.

You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day, unless you’re too busy, then you should sit for an hour” – Old Zen Saying


Meditation is Emotional Detox.  The more often we meditate the lighter our souls become. We become grateful and we engage in the present moment and understand that all that is, all that was and all that will be is only in the present moment. Beautiful relationships take shape with yourself and your loved ones and many content moments start filling up your life. Constant practice of meditation will change your thought patters, emotions and eventually your life.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” – Aristotle

If you like to know how to Improve Mind Body Connection read our blog here >>

Following are some of the psychological, physiological and spiritual benefits of meditation.

Physiological Benefits:

  1. Increases the blood flow and slows down the heart rate
  2. Increases exercise tolerance
  3. Decreases anxiety attacks by lowering levels of blood lactate
  4. Helps in chronic diseases like arthritis and allergies
  5. Helps with weight loss
  6. Decreases the aging process
  7. Reduces pre-menstrual syndrome
  8. Decreases muscle tension
  9. Cures headaches and migraines
  10. Helps in building sexual energy and desire
  11. Harmonizes endocrine system
  12. Relaxes nervous system
  13. Drops cholesterol level and reduces cardiovascular diseases
  14. Enhances energy, strength and vigor
  15. Improves sleep


Psychological Benefits:

  1. Build self confidence
  2. Helps to control own thoughts
  3. Increases the production of serotonin which influences good mood and behavior
  4. Develops intuition
  5. Increased learning ability and memory
  6. Increases creativity
  7. Easier to remove bad habits
  8. Increased ability to solve complex problems
  9. Less aggressiveness
  10. Develops emotional maturity
  11. Reduces need and dependency on drugs, pills and pharmaceuticals
  12. Helps cure insomnia
  13. Increases capacity of intimate contact with loved ones
  14. Decreases in restless thinking
  15. Greater communication between the two brain hemispheres


Spiritual Benefits:

  1. Creates a deeper capacity for love
  2. Helps to live in the moment
  3. Increased self –actualization
  4. Increased compassion
  5. Harmonizes body, mind and spirit
  6. Provides peace of mind and happiness
  7. Discovers the power of consciousness beyond the ego
  8. Experience ‘oneness’
  9. Growing wisdom
  10. A deeper understanding of self and others
  11. Changes attitude towards life
  12. Helps to learn forgiveness
  13. Attains enlightenment
  14. Increases synchronicity in your life
  15. Helps to keep things in perspective


For further information on Tantric Journey Bodywork  Workshops please click the link below: Tantric Workshops for Couples and Individuals

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I’m Mal Weeraratne – Certified Tantra Educator teaching intimacy; Tantra and all forms of sacred sensuality to facilitate journeys into love, intimacy, and sacred sexuality as well as personal transformation leading to spirituality. My teachings can help both men and women to overcome sexual problems, regain feminine empowerment and male consciousness and in all areas of sexuality and female embodiment.

In the past my clients came to me for many reasons, some came to explore aspects of the sexuality, whilst others wanted to explore touch; sensuality or explore their boundaries. Whilst others want to become more sexually empowered or just to start living fully within their own bodies or to overcome fears and inhibitions through releasing their past trauma

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