How the Book Emotional Detox through Bodywork Can Change Your Life
Two decades of intense research, study and practice had given Mal Weeraratne the idea of sharing his pioneering past negative events release technique that helped heal his 3000 plus female clients. Thus the birth of the book Emotional Detox through Bodywork took place consisting of 200 odd pages laying out the blueprint to happiness and bliss.
The book was inspired by the increase in women seeking alternative therapy for deeply seated problems that manifest as other issues in day to day life. Having seen the immense progress these healed women make and the indescribable joy experienced by such emotional liberation, Mal Weeraratne decided it is the right time that more women should become aware of such knowledge.
It is everybody’s living right to live a life of happiness and joy. Unfortunately the times have not been fair to many souls as value system has deteriorated due to focus on negative from positive. There are many reasons for this gradual shift in moral culture and the saddest part about it is that women in our current day and age are greatly affected by this deterioration.
Therefore the sole inspiration behind this book is to bring back joy and happiness to all women through the integration and blend of ancient practices with modern study.

How the book can significantly change your life?
- You understand that you are a product of all the events that have taken place in your life. These events that can be good or bad have left a biological blueprint in you in the form of negative and positive emotions.
- You begin to understand that all areas in your life are made up of either positive or negative emotions. And what volume of these emotions in your life are present that govern everything around you having a direct impact on your physical, emotional and psychological health.
- You take responsibility for all areas in your life knowing that every aspect of your life can be improved to become better. You are given methods to rewrite your biological blueprint to one filled with happiness and joy.
- You are given a brand new start by releasing all your deeply disturbing or distressing emotions from the past allowing you to cultivate positive emotions to channel it to any area in your life you wish to grow. You can let go a series of deeply disturbing or distressing relationships and bring in a new loving partner to your life; or you can let go of limiting beliefs regarding your talents and start pursing your dreams – you can be and do anything you have always wanted to.
- You learn about amazing things about ancient practices of Tantra & Tao how both practices can become a way of life. The book explains other valid researches and other sources of study that further validate the ground breaking past negative events release technique engineered by Tantric Journey. The researches mentioned give quantifiable validated data to both Tantra & Tao that are the underlying basis of the past negative events release technique.
- You can adapt any suggested method for practical application that works well with you.
- You will be given abundant amount of information to clear misconceptions about ‘Eastern mambo –jumbo’ related to spirituality backed by scientific research.
The book is a compilation of different studies to support the ground breaking technique by Tantric Journey called Emotional Detox through Bodywork. It showcases other similar practices and techniques to create a clear picture about the already existing other treatments with the same purpose.
It is an ideal read for a woman to embrace hers flaws and strengths. The book portrays sexuality in a positive manner other than the mainstream negative stigma attached to sexuality, Tantra, Tao and sexual confidence.
Book can be purchased via following link :