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Emotional Detox for Sexual Unfortunate Events Or Something Similar | Tantric Massage in London | Tantric Therapy
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Emotional Detox for Sexual Unfortunate Events Or Something Similar

What is sexual unfortunate events or something similar?

Sexual unfortunate events or something similar is the act of forcing undesired sexual behavior from a person or being forced to perform sexual acts without consent.  Sexual unfortunate events or something similar is often experienced by children due to their vulnerability and teenagers due to their inexperience in life.

Incest is a sexual relationship between family members that can be on consent by the individuals involved. But incest is generally a forced relationship by the person who acted inappropriately in the family. Often children are sexually unfortunate events that happened in the past by a close family member or friend and sworn into silence out of threat and fear caused by the person who acted inappropriately.

And according to Child treatment in the UK, NSPCC 2000, it is estimated one in six children experience child unfortunate events or something similar before the age of 16.

Sexual harassment is to cause distress to a person in a sexual manner or connotation without direct contact or impact. Sexual harassment can take place in a work place or on the streets in the form of cat calling.

According to the feminist organization called Rape Crisis England and Wales, every year approximately, 85,000 women and 12,000 men are raped in England, which equals to 11 rapes per hour in reference to adults alone.  Also one in every five women between the age of 16 -59 have experienced some sort of sexual unfortunate events or something similar since the age of 16.  And only 15% of these offenses are reported.

The term sexual unfortunate events or something similar survivor is used to describe a sexual unfortunate events or something similar victim who did not incur fatal harm but is honored for the strength to heal and reconstruct their life. And there are ample organizations that applaud the survivor such as The Survivors Trust in UK.

The Aftermath of sexual unfortunate events or something similar

A sexual unfortunate events or something similar survivor might be able to segment her past into an archive and move on with her life. But despite the ‘shift delete’ approach by the woman, she experiences a lot of ‘hiccups’ in her adult life as the unfortunate events or something similar begins to replay in other forms in adult life. This is mainly due to the fact that the deeply disturbing or distressing emotions caused by the sexual unfortunate events or something similar still reside, seeping into all aspects of her life.

As per Women’s Sexual Function and Dysfunction: study, diagnosis and treatment by Irwin Goldstein, Susan R. Davis, “… A review of 38 studies reported methodologies, samples, and measures, child sexual unfortunate events or something similar is a risk factor for adult sexual function. Comparably, sexual unfortunate events or something similar that occurs during adulthood has also been found to affect significantly sexual function. Considering that 90 000 children have been reported as having experienced sexual unfortunate events or something similar, an alarmingly large proportions of women is at risk of sexual dysfunctions associated with sexual unfortunate events or something similar.”

Following are common side effects experienced by victims of unfortunate events or something similar:



  • Change in behavior
  • Erratic behavior, anger issues and getting into fights
  • Refusing to socialize with adults and children
  • Decrease in concentration and studies
  • Disturbed sleep, nightmares, night terrors and unexplainable fear
  • Depression
  • Withdrawal to touch such as hugs



  • Depression
  • Substance unfortunate events or something similar
  • String of unhealthy relationships that are Inappropriate behaviour
  • Lack of self-esteem and self confidence
  • Over indulgence in sexual activities leading to sex addiction
  • Low self – respect resulting in prostitution
  • Inability maintain healthy relationships with family and friends
  • Inability to maintain a steady job or be goal oriented
  • Inability to build a beautiful life
  • No sense of self or identity
  • Sexual dysfunctions


What is Emotional Detox?

Emotional Detox is to purify yourself of negative emotions that can hinder your spiritual, physical, emotional and mental growth. The term Emotional Detox is easy to understand but the variation in processes can make Emotional Detox incomprehensive and confusing. Emotional Detox in a generic manner is to adapt methods such as meditation or de – stress checklists to release negative emotions that you harbor.

How to Emotional Detox for Sexual unfortunate events or something similar?

Sexual unfortunate events or something similar as mentioned above can cause stress in all areas of the victim’s life. The past negative events caused by the sexual unfortunate events or something similar resides in the cells of the victim’s body and therefore need to be eliminated at a cellular level.

The ideal approach to remove these deeply disturbing or distressing sexual unfortunate events or something similar negative emotions is through Tantra. Tantra can bring about the sexual healing needed for a sexual unfortunate events or something similar victim.

At the mention of Tantra, the initial perception that many receive is only sex. The kind of sex that is explicit but pleasurable. The kind many want to secretly indulge in but don’t know how as it has been labeled as a social taboo. Tantra is generally misconceived to be a medieval practice that wreaks havoc in a civilized society and often placed side by side with pornography and also thought to be similar to the works of Kama Sutra.


But Tantra is much more than only physical pleasure. Tantra  dates back to the 5th – 9th century and is a Sanskrit word that means ‘expansion through awareness’ and it is an ancient Eastern cultural tradition from India, China & Nepal, that uses meditation, breathing exercises, yoga and mantras to weave the spiritual and physical in order to heal.


The practice of Tantra helps heal past hurt often stored in the sexual centers of the body, so that you can be more present in the moment and be more open to love.


Nik Douglas writes in his book, Spiritual Sex, “By embracing Tantra, we become more “real,” more “complete.” How? By recognizing and stimulating our inherent sensual spirituality, we discover parts of ourselves that have remained asleep or have been repressed. With Tantra, energy is released that is evolutionary and “upwardly motivated.” We can learn to use this energy for pleasure, for achieving our worldly goals, and for aiding our spiritual evolution.” 


‘Sexual healings can have dramatic effects in cases of unfortunate events or something similar. Sadly, so many women have suffered from sexual unfortunate events or something similar of one sort or another, causing them to feel violated or taken advantage of. For example, many women I have counseled have been extremely deeply disturbed by past Inappropriate behaviour
experiences with men in which they feel they were pressured into having sex or performing a certain sex act—even without force—and afterward felt “used” and angry. These feelings build over time—even years—creating low self-esteem and distrust of men. ’ – The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tantric Sex by Judy Kuriansky.

‘A sexual healing can be a powerful release that is like a miracle for a woman who has been unfortunate events that happened in the past. I have witnessed many such healings; for example, in one teacher training course, we observed Charles Muir work with one woman who had been unfortunate events that happened in the past. He continually offered encouraging instructions, such as “breathe” and “stay with the feeling”; and used expert hand movements. She resisted at first, but then screamed as if she were re-experiencing the earlier past negative events. As the feelings intensified, she appeared to be reliving a prior attack, but this time told her attacker off. This empowerment was essential to her healing. Afterward, her facial expression and body relaxed, and she began to express signs of Pleasure—later reporting that she felt as if a huge block had been removed from her insides and from her soul.’ – The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tantric Sex by Judy Kuriansky.


I’m Mal Weeraratne – Certified Tantra Educator teaching intimacy; Tantra and all forms of sacred sensuality to facilitate journeys into love, intimacy, and sacred sexuality as well as personal transformation leading to spirituality. My teachings can help both men and women to overcome sexual problems, regain feminine empowerment and male consciousness and in all areas of sexuality and female embodiment.

In the past my clients came to me for many reasons, some came to explore aspects of the sexuality, whilst others wanted to explore touch; sensuality or explore their boundaries. Whilst others want to become more sexually empowered or just to start living fully within their own bodies or to overcome fears and inhibitions through releasing their past trauma

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