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How to Emotional Detox Daily

Humans have ‘mastered’ efficiency where in such a technologically – connected world everyone is disconnected. And somehow the world is in need of our ancestral values and lifestyle; where living with an Amazon native tribe can prove to be more emotionally and physically pleasing, away from our concrete jungle that is paved with tar, pollution, tears, anxiety and increasing psychological disorders.

Why Emotional Detox?

Despite our quest to make our lives advanced and easier, we have created more issues for ourselves. We have introduced cancer, aids, global warming, mass destruction weapons and enormous amount of stress and past negative events to our lives to an extent where a trip to the grocery store or making it to a family dinner can be challenging.

In order to stay revived and happy in our life journey it is essential that we learn to release the stress and past negative events that we accumulate in our lives. Happiness is an inside out job. You can be happy despite your external circumstances as we are in control of our emotions and thoughts that influence our experiences. And how do we do we do this? – mindfulness through Emotional Detox.

“You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts” – Philip Arnold.

“Take control of your consistent emotions, and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience of life” – Anthony Robbins


Steps to Daily Emotional Detox 

  1. Become an early riser

Waking up at least 15 minutes before your alarm going off can save you a lot of stress. You will be able to run through your daily activities, plan your day or have some leverage for any ‘emergency’ such as immediate work call or irritant cashier at the coffee shop. We would suggest waking up 30 – 45 minutes earlier for a few moments with your coffee and to ponder about how beautiful life can be.

  1. Meditate or Say a Gratitude Prayer

Meditation helps you remove mental clutter and focus your thoughts. Your day is more productive and you will find yourself monitoring your emotions and thoughts towards a positive direction. Gratitude makes you recognize everything that is working out in your life and channel that positivity into other areas in your life. We recommend you meditate at the beginning of our day or at the end of your day, a session of minimum 15 minutes would turn give you that zen you need in your life.

Read more about how meditation is Emotional Detox here

  1. Stretch or Pump up your heart rate

Stretching and exercising will detoxify your muscles and pump up your body with the required hormones to maintain metabolism, sleep cycle, toxicity level in your body. And the biggest benefit is that it increases your heart rate which will have your body swimming in happy hormone called Oxy tocin. And the expected results will be an uplifted mood, higher self-esteem and self-confidence.

  1. Read a Few Words of Wisdom

Try to squeeze in at at least a daily 15 min reading habit. You can read from your favorite inspirational book every morning, or listen to an audio book about something you’ve wanted to learn about on your way to work. You increase your knowledge about something and it makes you feel worthy.

  1. Listen to upbeat music

Make a motivational playlist, invest in good music that connects and resonates with you. Music can refresh your mind and instantly take you to a happier place. If you feel you need Arethra Franklin to tell you to build that self-respect crank up the volume!

  1. Eat Clean

You are what you eat. Eat unhealthy chemically overrun meals will soon remind you’re living a sorrowful life. The chemical build up tends to reflect unhealthily through diseases and aches and pains. Choose what you put into your body and your body and mind will work towards keeping your spirit happy.

  1. Maintain Happy Relationships

To maintain happy and healthy relationships – let go of everything negative. Make it a habit to call a loved one everyday to send love and happiness, and soon this habit will be building golden relationships in your life.

  1. Tuck Yourself into Bed as When You Were A Child

Tailor a happy bedtime routine that is encompassed with items that make you feel good, such as showering with your favorite shower gel, applying your favorite mud mask, applying scented oil to feel loved and pampered. Also run through your day and tell yourself that you did the best you could do and tomorrow will be far better. You will only wake up to a fresher and joyful tomorrow.

Tantric Journey masters in Emotional Detox through Tantra and Tao Bodywork. Bodywork is an “emotional release” technique engineered to remove negative emotions that lead to a negative lifestyle. The Emotional Detox at Tantric Journey is unique as it employs zen ancient Eastern methods to eliminate the root of negative emotions that reside in your body to give you a happier life.

If you are interested in learning more about this unique method to relieve yourself of the past past negative events recurring in your life and if you are interested in learning about how to handle past negative events more efficiently for your better, read our blog on What is Emotional Detox through Tantra and Tao Bodywork. 



I’m Mal Weeraratne – Certified Tantra Educator teaching intimacy; Tantra and all forms of sacred sensuality to facilitate journeys into love, intimacy, and sacred sexuality as well as personal transformation leading to spirituality. My teachings can help both men and women to overcome sexual problems, regain feminine empowerment and male consciousness and in all areas of sexuality and female embodiment.

In the past my clients came to me for many reasons, some came to explore aspects of the sexuality, whilst others wanted to explore touch; sensuality or explore their boundaries. Whilst others want to become more sexually empowered or just to start living fully within their own bodies or to overcome fears and inhibitions through releasing their past trauma

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