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Do you suffer from Vagxiety? | Tantric Massage in London | Tantric Therapy
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Do you suffer from Vagxiety?

Vagxiety blog Tantric Journey

Do you suffer from Vagxiety?

This year we have seen the headline ‘’don’t put ground wasp nest on your vagina’’.  A shocking statement and you may well find yourself wondering ‘why?’  It seems that a recent trend has seen women looking to rejuvenate and tighten their vagina using oak galls as method of treatment.

Oak galls are created when a wasp lays eggs in a oak tree’s leaf buds so that the larva can develop inside and some online retailers have been claiming that grounding them into a paste can help tighten the vagina and get rid of ‘any unpleasant odours’.  The practice has been condemned by gynaecologists and health care practitioners alike, with warnings that such a practice could lead to painful sex, a lack of healthy bacteria and an even an increased risk of contracting disease.

The tightness, health and well-being of vaginas is becoming of such a concern to modern women that worries about smell, appearance or tightness are now termed vagxiety.

It must be said that the NHS offers little advice on the natural loosening of the vagina that can happen with age or the cosmetic treatments available for this and as vagxiety is a phenomenon that is not going to disappear, women are seeking practical and effective solutions.

From actual surgery to pelvic floor exercises, there are various ways women can ‘tighten’ their vaginas should they want to. One of the newest and increasingly popular treatments is Genevieve, which claims to use radio frequency to stimulate your vaginal tissue in 30 minutes. However, there is a more natural solution that can benefit more than just the strength and tightness of your vagina:  the yoni egg.

The Yoni Egg

Tantric Journey, Mal Weeraratne teaches yoni egg practices as part of the Tantric Journey therapist course.  Mal explained that over the years that he has been teaching the techniques, he has noticed two main benefits:

‘’Jade egg practice has helped me to come into a healthy and loving relationship with my pelvic floor area. I believe that jade egg exercises should be taught to young women at school for pelvic floor and yoni (vaginal) health. As we get older, and particularly after childbirth, the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles can weaken. However, they need to stay toned, like any other area of the body. Otherwise women can develop incontinence issues, which is distressing and affects day to day life. Using the jade egg helps to strengthen both the external PC (pubococcygeus) muscle, and the internal yoni (vaginal) muscles, which increases enjoyment and sensitivity during love-making. I’ve also found that it helps my posture and lower back health.’’

Well, this all sounds much better than ground up oak galls, but I guess the question has to be, ‘how exactly can a jade egg help the vaginal strength?’ Mal is quick to explain, ‘’yoni eggs are not just for strengthening the muscles, yoni eggs are healing stones. Nephrite jade is a very dense and pure source of jade, which can be used to help absorb negative energy. Rose quartz eggs can bring gentle loving energy into the yoni. Women who have suffered sexual abuse, or negative sexual experiences (most of us at some point), can use eggs in a conscious way to help absorb negative imprints, and bring positive energy into the yoni. ‘’ he continues, ‘’on a personal note, I particularly like using my jade egg during yoga practice, as a natural companion for mula bhanda (pelvic floor) contractions. Also for singing exercises! ’’

Using a yoni egg is certainly not a new concept. Indeed the method was once a strictly guarded secret of the ancient Chinese court concubines and royalty. Jade eggs were considered to increase female balance and power. The practice is over two thousand years old.

Ancient wisdom believed the practice of using a jade egg or yoni egg to be key to good feminine health, beauty and longevity as all of these can be achieved through a strong and healthy yoni [vagina].

Top Tips When starting Yoni Egg Practices

  • It’s important to buy a high quality egg, from a reputable source such as Tantric Journey, as many sold on the internet are not adequate quality and may crack or chip easily.
  • Most women should start with a medium size egg. You may need a bigger egg if you’ve had children, and then progress to a smaller size as the internal muscles strengthen.
  • Women with yoni with past negative emotions, such as vaginismus, should start with a small egg and increase the egg size as the yoni opens.
  • Warm up the body with sexual energy, massaging the kidneys, breasts and genital area before using the egg. Always insert it gently and consciously. Part of the practice is giving the yoni a voice and respecting yourself, so if it’s not the right day for practice, don’t do it.
  • You should not use a jade egg if you are pregnant.
  • I recommend giving it a break during menstruation, to allow full menstrual flow.
  • Use it consciously as a healing stone, to build a loving relationship with your yoni.
  • There are many different exercises you can do to contract and release the pelvic floor and internal muscles, either during an exercise routine or generally during the day.
  • The main thing is not to pressurise yourself, but to come into a loving and gentle relationship with your yoni.
  •  You can decide intuitively how long to wear it. 

According to ancient Tao tradition, a strong vagina and pelvic floor intensifies life-force energy and inner and outer radiance can be achieved through the use and practice of the yoni egg.

Mal Weeraratne, the founder of Tantric Journey, School of Healing & Awakening offers treatments for women which include a yoni massage. If you are interested in finding out more about Mal’s work and Tantric Journey, please visit the website here.

Also read Mal Weeraratne’s book The Womanly Art of Using a Yoni Egg


I’m Mal Weeraratne – Certified Tantra Educator teaching intimacy; Tantra and all forms of sacred sensuality to facilitate journeys into love, intimacy, and sacred sexuality as well as personal transformation leading to spirituality. My teachings can help both men and women to overcome sexual problems, regain feminine empowerment and male consciousness and in all areas of sexuality and female embodiment.

In the past my clients came to me for many reasons, some came to explore aspects of the sexuality, whilst others wanted to explore touch; sensuality or explore their boundaries. Whilst others want to become more sexually empowered or just to start living fully within their own bodies or to overcome fears and inhibitions through releasing their past trauma

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