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Break the Negative Cycle!

Feel like you often wear your heart on your sleeve? And wonder how you manage to always walk into heartbreak and wonder how you can relate to Bridget Jones as your soul mate? Are you constantly barraged by seasonal relationships and friendships that start off as Thelma and Louise or Dumb and Dumber adventures but turn stale?

Do you feel that the most unfortunate love stories happen to you like your significant other cannot commit to you due to his or her commitment phobia because of a ‘past heartbreak’. Or you are absolutely amazing in the eyes of your beholder but they just can’t give you a promising life because they are not as amazing as you and they have a ‘it’s not you it is me’ fatal disease? And have you been the saviour slaying dragons while healing and patching up his or her soul with the infinite love in you?

Does this thought sound familiar? – “yes, he / she does loves me but he’s /she’s not good with this relationship thing…” If it does, then evidently you need to BREAK THE NEGATIVE CYCLE!

Because… when he or she loves you no matter how broken or tattered you are or that person is or was, that person will at least stumble to be good ‘at this relationship thing’.

You need to break the negative cycle of emptying yourself for another in order to be in this life episode of yours called love. The concept of depleting yourself to keep a relationship afloat is not love. Love is a two way road. And great love only begins with first loving yourself. No love can manifest without self-love. Self- love is the genesis of intrinsic and extrinsic peace and of course world peace; and as beautifully philosophized by Lord Buddha, “if you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another”.

The negative cycle is toxic. It is a galaxy of narcissists, energy vampires and manipulators. It is not that you can’t find your way out our once you’ve found your way in. The exit is at your disposal at any given time.

But it is also good to acknowledge that we are all born with a pre-determined maze in this universe and while we are architects of our own destiny we all have a road to travel in order to make the best versions of ourselves. Therefore it is necessary to accept other people’s flaws and unacceptable behavior as they are a work in progress on their very own journey. The best gift you can give anyone and to yourself is LOVE.

If someone has hurt you in an unforgiving manner release the experience with love. Forgive yourself for having put yourself through that painful situation because forgiveness begins with first forgiving yourself in order to forgive the one who hurt you. Remember that no one is born with a life – manual and we are all learning and will be learning until the end of our journey.

Also keep in mind bad people are not born, they are made. We are all a product of what has happened to us or what we have been exposed to. We carry a biological blueprint of the events that took place in our lives from the time we have been born. Therefore we are all made up of emotions that we have experienced our entire lives. There are acclaimed researches and studies on this biological blueprint such as cellular memory, mind – body connection, molecules of emotions and quantum physics

How do you break the negative cycle?

Forgive Yourself and Others

Forgive yourself and your past mistakes that are recurrent in your mind (limiting thoughts) and hold you back from living a fulfilling life. Mistakes are a learning lesson but your setbacks should become your road maps to moving forward. The once great mind Albert Einstein quoted, “Anyone who has never made mistakes has never tried anything new”.  If Albert Einstein had let his setbacks get in his way he would never be the genius scientist or inventor this world has had.

Mistakes are the opportunity to mould yourself to a better version. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Forgive others so you let go of the negativity because in this world of constant exchange of two extreme polarities; positive and negative it is radical that you get what you give. Therefore keep your cycle positive.

Forgive others the same way you would want others to forgive you. When you forgive you give away the power of the one who hurt you. If you don’t forgive you hold onto the painful memories, thoughts and emotions from the anger and hurt and make it the axis of your life. The more tightly you hold onto your anger and hurt the more of it multiplies because you know no other vortex.

True forgiveness is when you can say, “Thank you for that experience.” ― Oprah Winfrey

Forgiveness and Love to let go of the past negative events 

Emotionally Detox

It is possible to re write our biological blueprint that we have customized according to our life experiences. It is possible to be a conduit for positivity and enter a positive cycle filled with love, gratitude, happiness, excitement, serenity, harmony and peace. You can become this conduit through an Emotional Detox.

An Emotional Detox happens when negative emotions such as fear, sadness, guilt, anger and pain are released from your body’s cells to make your body positively charged which in turn changes your biological blueprint to positive.

In our early years it has never been our choice to pick our experiences and often these childhood experiences mould us into who we are now. Thus the reason many children from broken and abusive homes (physical, emotional and psychological grow up to become addicts, criminals, law offenders, victims of unfortunate circumstances, prostitution, psychiatric and so on. This is due to the mere fact that we are our experiences.

It is our energetic experience that we have been immersed in create the energetic field we propagate. If our experiences have been bad we exert a negative energetic field and invite similar negative experiences into our lives. If our experiences have been positive we cultivate self – love and exert a positive energetic field and invite positive life experiences therefore keeping the cycle positive. This positivity resonates with the people and relationships you surround yourself with, your job, your lover, your passion, your zest for life and so on.

Therefore an Emotional Detox that employs Bodywork (method of emotional detox) is ideal for incineration of the negative emotions and thoughts that you carry in the body.

As inconceivable as it sounds, following are excerpts from researches to shed some insight.

“In recent years, we have conducted a number of research studies that have explored topics such as the electrophysiology of intuition and the degree to which the heart’s magnetic field, which radiates outside the body, carries information that affects other people and even our pets, and links people together in surprising ways. We also launched the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI), which explores the inter connectivity of humanity with Earth’s magnetic fields”. – Science of the Heart, Hearth Math Institute,2016.

‘I define emotion as energy – in – motion. Like ocean waves undulating along a shore line, emotional energy exists as a constant flowing presence in our lives. Human feelings – these subtle currents, part liquid, part electric –  arise as a vital energy moving within, around, and between us, forever animating spirits, colouring thoughts, influencing dreams, heartening relationships, and providing the raw material for our bodies and our creative efforts.’ – Michael Sky, The Power of Emotions.

Lastly, to conclude a quote as an already known secret by the Greek philosopher from circa 384 B.C, “The energy of the mind is the essence of life!”


I’m Mal Weeraratne – Certified Tantra Educator teaching intimacy; Tantra and all forms of sacred sensuality to facilitate journeys into love, intimacy, and sacred sexuality as well as personal transformation leading to spirituality. My teachings can help both men and women to overcome sexual problems, regain feminine empowerment and male consciousness and in all areas of sexuality and female embodiment.

In the past my clients came to me for many reasons, some came to explore aspects of the sexuality, whilst others wanted to explore touch; sensuality or explore their boundaries. Whilst others want to become more sexually empowered or just to start living fully within their own bodies or to overcome fears and inhibitions through releasing their past trauma

Heal Yourself
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