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Being a Tantra Therapist & What is Tantra

When I tell people I am a Tantra Therapist they always look a little confused or else they are very curious about what being a Tantra Therapist involves;  and I totally understand this as very few people really understand what Tantra is.

People tend to hold some strange misconceptions about Tantra and think that it is about sex and sexual performance . The reality is that Tantra does not focus on sexual arousal and fantastic sex nor is it some sort of sex guide; instead Tantra accepts sexual energy and harnesses it as a route to higher consciousness. When it comes to sexual union, the tantric approach has far more to do with your mental approach than with a technique, but Tantra is far more broad reaching than just this. The true essence of Tantra is about harnessing sexual energy in order to revitalise your whole body and mind. Tantra treats sexual energy as an ally and sexual energy is used as an ignition for firing the kundalini energy, the body’s biological energy system and merging it with universal energy.

Through misunderstanding and misinterpretation, Tantra has gained a reputation of being outside the pale of respectability. Many people misinterpret female tantric healers as sex workers and male tantric healers as sexual predators. This is very sad because the work of Tantra in a therapy situation can be deeply healing and transformational.  My own work as a Tantra Therapist is all about helping people gain release from negative emotional past negative events through Tantric and Tao bodywork and peel off the layers of negative emotions so that they can begin living positively.

The fact that tantra treats sexual energy as something to be celebrated, rather than something to be suppressed or be ashamed of, makes many people feel uncomfortable. When we are thinking about embarking on a tantric journey, it’s really important that we understand that negativity can be encountered through fear and ignorance—that is a good foundation understanding of what Tantra is.

I am extremely grateful for the great privilege I have of working as a Tantra Therapist and teacher; I am truly honoured to be able to assist and watch the positive transformations that many of my clients embark on.

Over the years I have come to realise that not everyone is willing to listen or learn about the true essence of Tantra, they will seek out the truth and answers when they are ready. I am not here to convert anyone, I am here to educate and share my knowledge.  If our family or friends are concerned about the practice, it’s a great idea to invite them along to a talk or workshop. I regularly run talks and they are very popular. People are often very surprised by the differences in their ideas of Tantra and the reality. I’d urge anyone who’s interested in bringing Tantra into their lives to attend of my talks and ask me any questions you may have.

Tantric work does not deny sexual energy—it embraces sexual energy—but that does not mean sex defined by mainstream media. In the work I do, sexual energy is used as ignition for firing the kundalini energy, the body’s biological energy system. That can help a person enjoy their sex life to its fullest potential, but it is far wider reaching than that. It can help to break down barriers of guilt or fear, and remove self-imposed or limiting cultural and social boundaries and empower women.

Everyone’s path to tantra is different. My own tantric path began with massage. The important thing is start where you are comfortable this might be through white Tantra, practicing yoga and meditation, or through pink Tantra, focusing on soul and heart connections or you might want to start with Red Tantra, which is my area of concentration and the Tantra I talk about in this article.

My work is all about helping people to gain release from negative past negative events and transform their lives, allowing them to cast off negativity, like peeling off the layers of an onion. This is what I consider the true essence of tantra— the ability to feel bliss and truly enjoy life. When we are born we are designed to feel bliss and happiness and over the years of our life we build negative emotions and they take over and block our capacity for joy, through numbness. Women hold great capability for overwhelming joy, and to put it simply, tantra removes emotional blockages that stop the embodiment of this joy.

Yoni massage is a therapy, which can sometimes push our boundaries because it is capable of releasing oceans of tears, anger, mistrust, and other emotions connected with our pain—both physical and mental—but it can also release great laughter, joy, and deep pleasure which can in turn produce a heightened state of awareness.

A tantric yoni massage can enable a woman to become aware of her creative feminine energy. This energy is extremely powerful and sometimes a person may not be ready for it. If this is the case, it can feel as if they are confronted by all sorts of obstacles. But with a certain determination and willingness to be healed, it is possible to push through those boundaries and have a beautiful break-through.

My work is all about helping people release the negative emotions that are weighing them down. When entangled with unhappiness from the past, people often adopt patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, fear, chronic illness and unfulfilled relationships. This is because negative emotions as a result of unresolved issues from the past  physically embed at cellular level and prevent the cells from playing their optimum role part by constant biochemical entanglement and communication taking place in the body.  these negative emotions not only ‘switch off’ these cells , but can lead to emotional and physical time if allowed to remain untreated.

So Where can you begin a Tantric Journey? As I have already said everyone is different and you have to begin your journey into Tantra from a point you are comfortable with.

When I first decided to embark on my tantric journey, I found it difficult to know where to start. I was lucky enough to be able to take a career break in order to search for my tantric path, but I understand that not everyone can do this. I continue to learn by just leading my everyday life and incorporating tantra and tantric practices into it.

A great starting point for an individual looking to incorporate Tantric Journey into their own life and looking for a self help guide is my book, ‘Emotional Detox- through Bodywork’, alternatively you can look to embark on training, book a private session or attend a talk.

Life should be a celebration, if yours is not then it might be time to begin a Tantric Journey!


I’m Mal Weeraratne – Certified Tantra Educator teaching intimacy; Tantra and all forms of sacred sensuality to facilitate journeys into love, intimacy, and sacred sexuality as well as personal transformation leading to spirituality. My teachings can help both men and women to overcome sexual problems, regain feminine empowerment and male consciousness and in all areas of sexuality and female embodiment.

In the past my clients came to me for many reasons, some came to explore aspects of the sexuality, whilst others wanted to explore touch; sensuality or explore their boundaries. Whilst others want to become more sexually empowered or just to start living fully within their own bodies or to overcome fears and inhibitions through releasing their past trauma

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