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Childhood Sexual Abuse | Tantric Massage in London | Tantric Therapy
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August 20th, 2018
Post by Hanos
Tantric Journey therapist Hanos blog on child abuse

The effects of childhood sexual abuse can be incredibly far reaching. Decades after it has happened it may still define someone’s inner life. Indeed, there are many, many people who have left this life with no resolution of past abuse.

It is so difficult to heal precisely because it was so damaging to experience. No one likes pain and to find healing means necessarily going back into that pain to release it. When this happens in a setting in which you feel safe and held and loved, the alchemical power arises for this pain to be left behind, and for a connection with your own sexuality to arise, that feels clean and devoid of the taint that previously corroded your encounter with your body.

In Tantric Journey East Midlands, which I offer in Grantham (and in London) the therapeutic setting is built around consent and safety. Within those parameters you can go back into the darkness, reclaim it and free yourself from the cage that has constrained and defined your life. You yourself will open the prison door and walk into your own freedom.  Do it. Because you deserve it.

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