What is Tantric Sex?
Sex is exhilarating and humans have studied and written about it from the early ages. India is a country that has the earliest records of philosophy of sexual expression.
What is Tantra?
Tantra is not a religion it is a concept consisting of teachings and practices designed to increase the awareness of our energy and the energy around us. Tantra is a Sanskrit word that means ‘expansion through awareness or tool for awareness’ that explores in the field of sexual energy intended to cause focus and connectivity to achieve a state of bliss. Learn more about Tantra here>>

Tantric Sex
The goal of Tantric sex is not to achieve orgasm but to explore the sexual depth and enrich the experience. Tantric sex heals past hurt stored in the body’s sexual centers to be more open to love and to be present in the moment. When Tantric sex is practiced by you and your partners it brings about a powerful flow of energy between you and your partner which expands the love for each other.
Tantric sex helps distinguish many different energy systems in the body and one of these is the Chakras an energy system from the pelvic area to the top of the head. Tantra and Tantric sex can help unblock any blockages in the energy system for energy to flow freely. A blocked energy system can cause physical ailments and emotional upheaval.
Tantric sex involves the practicing of various mediation and exercises (including yoga) to arouse and channel tremendous energy within the body and cycle that energy with a partner and send it out into the world, it is intended for personal fulfilment and interpersonal connectivity.
The practice of Tantric sex affects you in many dimensions – your senses, spirit, mind, body and soul. Real changes occur in the body that is consistent with euphoric states through the flow of chemicals in the endocrinal system. These chemicals include endorphins (called the ‘pleasure chemical’), oxytocin (called the ‘cuddle chemical’), phenylethylamine (another pleasure chemical), and adrenaline (an activating chemical).
Tantric sex has not been studied in the laboratory; other researches about certain key practices that are route to Tantra and Tantric sex have shown mind altering capacities of these practices in a person. Researches on mediation which is an important aspect of Tantra has significantly shown positive brain wave activity that leads to relaxation. Also a preliminary research by a Californian sexologist measured women’s brains that practiced tantric activities during self – pleasure and found that these women can induce brain waves that are associated with altered state of consciousness.
Why Tantric Sex?
In the last two decades of the twentieth century couples and singles have suffered tremendously from great distress and frustrations over relationship and have looked for solutions in various ways. Self –help books and courses have increased to help people find and keep the love they want.
Tantra and Tantric sex can help many issues that are faced by couples and individuals:
- Curb co –dependency and addictions of many kinds that is caused due to the lack of love and intimacy.
- Tantra and Tantric sex reinforces healthy interactions and a positive view away from a ‘dysfunctional’ perspective which is negative.
- Remove the tendency of people relying on medications to relieve depression and anxiety which has become an epidemic proportion.
- The practice of Tantra and Tantric sex shuns materialism and helps people evade loneliness, isolation and strain in relationships caused due to corporate downsizing, increased consumerism and technological advances.
- Holistic benefits such as feeling great about yourself, with more confidence and attractiveness while joy and fulfilment becomes the way of life.
- And lastly, Tantra and Tantric sex helps you build trust within yourself and trust in your partner – a vital ingredient in a relationship with yourself (conviction and belief) and with your partner (love and commitment) in order to flourish and remain happy.
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