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Not Hopped on the Tantra Bandwagon Yet? Time to get Aboard and start living a Blissful Life! | Tantric Massage in London | Tantric Therapy
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Not Hopped on the Tantra Bandwagon Yet? Time to get Aboard and start living a Blissful Life!

Let’s face it relationships are hard to maintain, sometimes with the pressures of work, family and just general life commitments it’s difficult to find the time to devote to yourself let alone your relationship.

When Tantra is mentioned it’s hard not to think of the headlines that Sting made with his claims of nine hour Tantric love making and let’s face it, in today’s fast paced society, who has nine hours to spare. Thankfully, Tantra doesn’t require nine hour love making slots to be factored into your already busy schedule, but it does teach practices that include:

  • Learning how to love with no expectations
  • Opening your heart fully with unconditional love

Yes, cast away all your previous thoughts about Tantra, as authentic Tantra  practices as taught by Tantric Journey are about connection and unconditional love, not acrobatics under the sheets.

Mal Weeraratne author of ‘Emotional Detox through Bodywork’ , explains that it is important that you learn  ‘how to achieve bliss within yourself’. This sounds like a wonderful concept, but in amongst the daily grind it can seem like a bit of a fluffy concept, but Mal Weeraratne has helped thousands of people to live life to their full potential and he goes on to explain that ‘ this is a real-life relating lesson, for real people’.  During his courses he has trained many individuals and couples how to deepen their connections and enhance the quality of communication and intimacy.

He explains that during his couple training he teaches people how to experience a soul mate relationship and how to deepen their connections with soul mate relationships. In Mal Weeraratne’s book, he covers sections on improving the intimacy in relationships and in a interview given in 2015 he explains how to go about finding your soul mate which is well worth watching; click here to view.

None of us would disagree when Mal Weeraratne says that ‘love, intimacy and sacred sexuality is something every man and woman must learn’, but where to start is a question that may immediately spring to mind. Mal’s book ‘Emotional Detox through Bodywork’, offers a great starting point for self help, but to gain a deep understanding of the subject then Mal Weeraratne runs a training course in London entitled, ‘Love, Intimacy and Sacred Sexuality’. During this course Mal Weeraratne teaches everything you need to learn about enhancing your relationship and the course is a mixture of theory and practical training.

Mal Weeraratne warns that his teachings may ‘challenge everything you have previously thought and offer a new perspective. You may find some of the teachings difficult at first especially if you are just starting out on this journey of discovery, but it will ultimately lead to you leading a life free from fears, past and pain; unlocking the great secret of a happier life and relationships’.

Well it seems that it may be time to hop on the Tantra Bandwagon and grab a copy of ‘Sexual Reflexology :  Activating the Taoist Points of Love’- by Mantak Chia and William U Wei; which is seen as essential reading before attending one of Mal Weeraratne’s courses.

If you would like to discover more then visit to view workshops or to book a session with Mal Weeraratne – click here.


I’m Mal Weeraratne – Certified Tantra Educator teaching intimacy; Tantra and all forms of sacred sensuality to facilitate journeys into love, intimacy, and sacred sexuality as well as personal transformation leading to spirituality. My teachings can help both men and women to overcome sexual problems, regain feminine empowerment and male consciousness and in all areas of sexuality and female embodiment.

In the past my clients came to me for many reasons, some came to explore aspects of the sexuality, whilst others wanted to explore touch; sensuality or explore their boundaries. Whilst others want to become more sexually empowered or just to start living fully within their own bodies or to overcome fears and inhibitions through releasing their past trauma

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