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Make a Meaningful Resolution in 2022

Rather than the traditional resolution list of fad diets, writing a novel, breaking bad habits, giving up alcohol, healthy eating regimes and fitness routines combined with a whole parade of promises that usually get broken by the end of the first week in January, why not create a list of new things to try?

Let’s be honest, a list of adventures, dreams and hopes is far more inspiring than a list of can’t’s.  Below are some suggestions of one new thing for each week of the year, that you might want to draw inspiration from:

  1. Smile at a stranger.
  2. Write a handwritten note and post it to someone you haven’t been in touch with for a while.
  3. Make a wish jar – and place new wishes in it every week.
  4. Volunteer for the day, a local dog shelter, home for the elderly or at a soup kitchen for the homeless.
  5. Be a tourist for the day, take a bus or train to a town, village or city that you’ve never visited before. Pack yourself a lunch and head off for the day on public transport.
  6. Learn meditation, zumba, Pilates or something new that you’ve never tried.
  7. Make a scrapbook of memories and add to it throughout the year.
  8. Do some wild camping and sleep under the stars.
  9. Learn a new skill.
  10. Spend a whole day in nature.
  11. Spend a whole day reading a book, just for enjoyment.
  12. Place a message in a bottle.
  13. Sign up for a local community class, learn something new and make new friends.
  14. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and write a list of all your positive points.
  15. Forgive someone who has hurt you and let go of negative feelings, write them a letter even if you don’t send it the process is deeply healing.
  16. Plant seeds or bulbs and grow something.
  17. Compliment a stranger, it will possibly make their day.
  18. Visit the library – in a world that is internet led with books on demand on electronic devices, from Amazon and in e-book format it can be easy to forget the calm, serenity of the public library.
  19. Go on a self-date to a museum, the cinema or a restaurant – it’s a great thing to do.
  20. Pack a picnic and enjoy the traditional art of dining out of doors.
  21. Learn to breathe and take time to breathe consciously.
  22. Let someone else order for you in a restaurant. Or cook something you have never eaten before.
  23. For a week abandon the supermarket and shop locally from independent retailers, at farmer’s markets.
  24. Dress for dinner – prepare a really nice dinner at home and dress up as if you are going out.
  25. Invent your own cocktail and name it after yourself. Have fun – adorn it with retro style umbrellas, fancy stirrers, cocktail cherries and edible glitter.
  26. Play a board game with friends or family. Scrabble, Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit sadly get forgotten due to technology.
  27. Attend an open mic night. Great entertainment and can be the perfect way to meet new people too.
  28. Make homemade bread it’s so relaxing.
  29. Make a friendship cake.
  30. Ditch the technology for a day. Switch off all phones, laptops and technology devices.
  31. De-clutter, keep only what you love – if it’s not pretty, useful or it hasn’t been used in the last 6 months, be ruthless, let it go you’ll be amazed how liberating this is.
  32. Write a letter to your future self – what will you be doing in ten years.
  33. Make a time capsule.
  34. Take all old books and magazines to a local waiting room, for others to read. Write a note in the front of a book and leave in a public place for others to take on and enjoy and then they can do the same when they’ve finished.
  35. Take your camera with you for a whole day and capture everything and anything that takes your interest.
  36. Hold a mini pamper evening. Invite your best friends, tell them to bring a movie they love and some beauty products to share and spend a whole afternoon and evening together curled up chatting, pampering each other eating and drinking and sharing.
  37. Make your own kombucha.
  38. Make a board of positive affirmations.
  39. Make your own soup.
  40. Use up your leftovers.
  41. Make a gift for someone, rather than buying one.
  42. Learn a new language.
  43. Skip! It’s free, burns a heap of calories and can be done anywhere.
  44. Make a list of things to be grateful for in your life.
  45. Take a road trip—pack a few necessities, take a map and set out on adventure with no set destination, have fun and be spontaneous.
  46. Go beach combing and make a picture out of your finds.
  47. Read the community newsletter or notice boards. Find out what’s going on locally and get involved in a new activity.
  48. Go out incognito – pretend to be someone else for an evening and re-invent yourself.
  49. Host a purple party – you can choose any colour you like but its great fun to go out as a group in the same colour or choose a theme.
  50. Try a new look—choose a new hairstyle or try wearing clothes that you like but wouldn’t normally wear.
  51. Watch a sunset.
  52. Take time out to let those around you know that they are loved. In our fast paced society it is easy to get so busy that we don’t get around to telling our loved ones that we care.

Have fun trying new things and learning new skills, whether you enrol on a course, take yourself off to learn a new skill or launch a new career have courage and have fun in this New Year. Or why not take your first step into Tantric Journey – find out more here.


I’m Mal Weeraratne – Certified Tantra Educator teaching intimacy; Tantra and all forms of sacred sensuality to facilitate journeys into love, intimacy, and sacred sexuality as well as personal transformation leading to spirituality. My teachings can help both men and women to overcome sexual problems, regain feminine empowerment and male consciousness and in all areas of sexuality and female embodiment.

In the past my clients came to me for many reasons, some came to explore aspects of the sexuality, whilst others wanted to explore touch; sensuality or explore their boundaries. Whilst others want to become more sexually empowered or just to start living fully within their own bodies or to overcome fears and inhibitions through releasing their past trauma

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