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A Recipe for Success when embarking on Emotional Detox | Tantric Massage in London | Tantric Therapy
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A Recipe for Success when embarking on Emotional Detox

The term ‘emotional detox’ is becoming an increasingly popular one. Indeed in recent months I have come across many articles and blogs that explain,  ‘’How an emotional detox can free up your emotions, increase your creativity and help you lead a blissful life’’.

Detox diets have been popular for a while, with everything from juice diets, to raw food diets and everything in-between, but the main problem I find is that mind and body are connected, so it’s no good doing a physical detox without an emotional detox and vice versa.

Indeed the best detox has to be one that tackles your emotions; clears your body of stagnant emotions and emotional stressors but is supported by a physical detox, because neither physical or emotional poisons serve our health and wellbeing.

If you’ve ever been on a really intensive physical detox you will know how tough it can be and that it can be a grueling challenge, but whilst a typical physical detox can typically take between 5 -30 days, an emotional detox can take months or even years and it could be one of your biggest personal challenges.

The symptoms of a physical detox are reasonably well known and documented and can include headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, digestion issues, rashes, allergy symptoms, cold and flu symptoms and the list goes on and on. However, the symptoms of emotional detox are not so well documented or recognised. Indeed the symptom of emotional detox could include anything from suddenly starting to feel random bursts of emotion such as anger, depression, or fear in addition to all the symptoms you’d associate with a physical detox.

Okay, so you may be thinking that it’s not the best idea to undergo an emotional detox, after all, it sounds intense, uncomfortable and you haven’t the time? But to be suffering from emotional toxic contamination might mean that you’re holding on to old emotions, or bottling up feelings that need to be expressed. It could mean that past negative events from the past needs to be released or it could be that shame, guilt  or embarrassment due to negative social conditioning have caused trapped obstinate emotions in your system. Whatever the cause of stagnant or stuck negative emotions in cellular fabric of your body, you need to be allowed the opportunity to release them and start leading a positive life where you can move forward and live your life to its full potential.

Emotional detox is the door to emotional freedom and that is a really transformative and positive thing. However, you can expect to encounter some unpleasant detox symptoms and those that are commonly referred to as healing crisis symptom, so it is essential that when embarking on an emotional detox that you are prepared. I recommend reading Mal Weeraratne’s book ‘Emotional Detox through Bodywork’, and then making sure that you choose an experienced and qualified therapist.

Before you begin an emotional detox programme I suggest that you embark on a healthy eating programme as this will help to facilitate any emotional detox work that you begin.

These three tips should be great starting point to help you on your journey of preparation for a physical and emotional detox:

  1. Think about your gut and let go!

Take a second to evaluate if you are holding on to any emotions, grudges, or memories deep inside your gut. Think about the term ‘gut feeling’ or ‘gut reaction’, these are not just phrases, we actually hold emotion in our gut.

You need to start thinking of every part of your body and mind being intrinsically linked. Your gut is not just a part of your body that is disconnected from your thoughts and feelings. Think about how your digestion behaves when you are upset, angry, fearful or sad.

Try some deep breathing exercises and concentrate on how  your gut feels; if you feel that your emotions are stuck or blocked, it probably means that you should embark on an emotional detox.

Try to follow an alkaline diet to support your digestive system and also try to eat healthy comfort foods to help with any healing crisis symptoms you may develop

  1. Get your creative

Try painting, writing, dancing, acting, singing, or any creative activity that allows your creative juices to flow.  When going through emotional detox or preparing to embark on emotional detox, free expression and creativity are a really helpful tool, as it encourages stagnant emotions to flow out and give you a valuable opportunity to express yourself without rationale.

  1. Love your liver

Emotionally, the liver is associated with action, which often goes hand in hand with anger and pent up frustrations. When going through emotional detox make sure that your liver gets the proteins and enzymes it needs to process the physical and emotional toxins that come through it.  Incorporate more cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, nero cabbage and kale and drink plenty of caffeine free drinks and filtered water.

If you would like to book a session with Mal Weeraratne, click here. Mal Weeraratne’s book ‘Emotional Detox through Bodywork is also available to buy on Amazon, click here to view.


I’m Mal Weeraratne – Certified Tantra Educator teaching intimacy; Tantra and all forms of sacred sensuality to facilitate journeys into love, intimacy, and sacred sexuality as well as personal transformation leading to spirituality. My teachings can help both men and women to overcome sexual problems, regain feminine empowerment and male consciousness and in all areas of sexuality and female embodiment.

In the past my clients came to me for many reasons, some came to explore aspects of the sexuality, whilst others wanted to explore touch; sensuality or explore their boundaries. Whilst others want to become more sexually empowered or just to start living fully within their own bodies or to overcome fears and inhibitions through releasing their past trauma

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